Private Lessons, Specialty & Virtual Classes/Clinics, Fieldtrips & Birthday Parties
Private & Semi-Private lessons
Private lessons are available at various prices (depending on the experience of the instructor) and can be 1 on 1 or semi-private. Private lessons usually last 30 minutes & students are allowed to come in 15 minutes ahead of the lesson to warm-up on their own or with a parent, if needed.
Specialty Classes/Clinics
Virtual Classes - For those you who want to take classes from home, we offer a variety of virtual classes to choose from. Virtual classes are usually 40 minutes long. We offer several virtual classes such, CheerBears, Cheerleading, Rhythmic Gymnastics, YogaBears, etc.
Tumbling clinics for cheerleading squads - We offer tumbling classes or clinics zeroing in on those important moves for cheerleading routines. We will try to work with your practice schedule.
Tumbling and fitness classes for homeschoolers - These classes can be scheduled in the daytime hours.
Tumbling Clinics - Tumbling clinics include Cartwheel, Back and front walkover, Aerial Clinics, etc. for our students.
We offer fieldtrips for daycares, preschools, Boy & Girl Scout troops, homeschoolers, etc.
Birthday Parties
Have your child spend their special day with their friends at our gym. Our staff will provide 1 hour of fun-filled activities in the gym. You provide the cake & refreshments for a 30-40 minute party following the gym activities. Choose from a gymnastics, cheerleading, Super Heroes or Fitness Warrior type party.
Please contact Donna for date availability and detailed information on Private Lessons, Specialty & Virtual Classes/Clinics, Fieldtrips and Birthday Parties
Teams, non-competitive performance show teams
JR Performance Show Team for boys & girls 4- 7 years old
SR Performance Show Team for boys & girls 6 years +
Students learn cheerleading, tumbling and dance based routines, with stunts and jumps. Our performance show team has performed at Milwaukee Bucks playoff games, Kenosha King Fish games, Cougar Semi-Pro Football games, open-houses, local nursing homes, community events/parades, USA Group Gymnastic Nationals, Gym Fests, etc. Show team is a 2 Term commitment and lasts 16-20 weeks.
Prerequisites: Students do not need to try out for team but must have had completed an 8 week session at Donna’s Gym-nastics before signing up. Team members need to be enrolled in a class, as well as attend practices.